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Advice & Help

East Sussex County Council

County Hall, St Annes Crescent, Lewes, BN7 1SW (01273) 481000

Local Government Ombudsman

You can complain to the Local Government Ombudsman if you think you have suffered injustice arising from maladministration by your local council or certain other bodies. Commission for Local Administration, Local Government Ombudsman, PO Box 4771, Coventry CV4 0EH. Tel: 0300 061 0614 Fax: 024 7682 0001.

Police Non Emergency

(low cost local rate) 0845 60 70 999 Hastings Police Station, Summerfields, Bohemia Road, Hastings, TN34 1JJ, (01424) 425000.

Sussex Police

Police HQ, Malling House, Lewes, BN7 2DZ, (01273) 475432. Police Helpline for Deaf People (01273) 483435.


If you know the names of people committing crime, or dealing drugs call Crimestoppers 0800 555 111, your call is free and totally anonymous and you may receive a reward.

Hastings and Rother Magistrates Court

Law Courts, Bohemia Road, Hastings TN34 1ND, (01424) 437644. Clerks office open Mon-Fri 9.15am to 4.30pm.

Hastings County Court

Law Courts, Bohemia Road, Hastings, TN34 1QX, (01424) 435128, Mon-Fri 10am to 4pm. Payments 9am to 4pm.

Hastings & Rother Mediation Service

Mediation for residents of Hastings & Rother since 1995.
Most of our services are funded therefore free of charge.
Community Mediation for disputes between neighbours; Intergenerational Mediation helping communication between young people (aged 8-18) and their parents/carers; Family Mediation for those who are separating or divorcing and need help with arrangement for children and or finances (a paid-for service unless you are eligible for Legal Aid); Workplace Mediation; and Conflict Coaching to help people find ways of dealing with a difficult situation. Contact Becky Sperring on 01424 446808.
email - website

Hastings and Rother Rainbow Alliance

Offering support and a social network to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans community, with information and training to the wider community on LGBT equalities. HRRA, c/o Ore Community Centre, 455 Old London Road, Hastings TN35 5BH. Tel 07593 444677.
email - website

Hastings Trust

Advice and signposting for local people. Hastings Trust is a local charity now in it's 21st year. Based in Robertson Street, it has a resource centre on the ground floor with computers for public useage and staff on hand to answer queries from members of the public. Open 9:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Contact Heather Smith on 01424 446373.

Hastings Works

Bringing together employment and skills for local people, employers and organisations. Provides free advice and practical support including careers advice, cv and application form advice, interviews advice, training and apprenticeships advice, start-up advice, desk space with internet, printer and telephone. Jobs board and jobs brokerage with local employers. 18 Robertson Street, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 1HL Tel: 01424 237237
email - website

Neighbourhood Watch Association

Anthony Turtle, 87a Hughenden Road, Hastings TN34 3TF (01424) 443857

Victim Support

Hastings, Bexhill & Rye for victims of crime (01424) 424393. Fax 721100.

Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages

(including Bexhill) Summerfields, Bohemia Road, Hastings. (01424) 721722/Marriage enquiries: 721212.

Citizens' Advice Bureau

The Advice and Community Hub, Renaissance House, London Road, St. Leonard's on Sea TN37 6AN. All enquiries: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm, Tuesday & Thursday 9am to 12.45pm. Telephone Enquiries Citizens Advice 1066: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm on 01424 721420. Money Advice: Monday to Friday 9am to 4.30pm on 01424 721386. HARC: Monday 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 2:00pm to 5:00 pm on 01424 428375/444986. Contact details: Finding Futures 01424 718984. Housing Access Project: 01424 452611

Hastings Tourist Information Centre

Queen's Square, Priory Meadow, Hastings, (01424) 781111

Alzheimer's Society

St Anne's Centre, Conquest Hospital, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex TN37 7RD Tel: 01323 727127.

Carea Recruitment and Training

1 Nelson Road, Hastings, TN34 3RX, contact Linda Sutton (01424) 461490

Age Concern Hastings

Angela Colburn, Manager, 50 Robertson Street, Hastings, TN34 1HL, (01424) 426162.

Age Concern East Sussex

The Almonry, High Street, Battle, TN33 0EA, Dorothy Smith: information and advice worker; Jackie Dennis Day Care Organiser - (01424) 775721.

The Bohemia Trust

123 Bohemia Road, St Leonards, (01424) 722923; Charity No. 1057723. Helps with any debt or related problems. A free confidential service.

ADHD - Adults Support Group

Judith Monk, c/o 75A Middle Road, Hastings. (01424) 420767.

Disability Information Line

Children's Services: Ann Ling, 37 Fellows Road, Hastings, TN34 3TY, (01424) 422617 weekday mornings 9am to noon. Courses for Adults with Learning Difficulties: Supportive Education at Hastings College: 80 St Saviours Road, St Leonards, TN38 0AR (01424) 720978, contact Judith Guest.

Employment Service Direct

Job seekers hotline, data base of 300,000 vacancies for the price of a local call 0845 6060 234.

Face to Face

Free confidential counselling service for 16-25 year olds, 5 Queen's Road, Hastings, TN34 1QP. Self referral by phone or letter, ring (01424) 466366.

Hastings Paranormal Research Group

22B Dane Road, St Leonards-on-Sea TN38 0QW.

Hastings Voluntary Action

31a Priory Street, Hastings,TN34 1EA, (01424) 444010. Development and support agency for voluntary sector.

Dental Advice in Emergency

For those not registered with a Dentist - Out of Hours cover weekdays 6.30 to 10.30pm and 9.30am to 1.30pm weekends and Bank Holidays. Tel (01424) 850792.

Health Information Service

Free and confidential health information, freephone 0800 66 55 44. Mon-Fri 9am to 7pm, Fri 9am to 5pm. Minicom service.

Health Information Service at Healthline

The College of Health, St Margaret's House, 21 Old Ford Road, London E2 9PL.


Child Protection Helpline, Free 24-hr helpline. If you know or suspect that a child is being ill-treated or neglected telephone 0800 800 500.

NSPCC East Sussex

Provide counselling for abused children and their parent/carers and families, and adults who were abused as children. Tel (01424) 428833.

NSPCC East Sussex

and NCH Action for Children
Provide a Brief Family Therapy service for families experiencing a wide range of problems, Tel (01424) 728500.

NSPCC Schools Counselling Service

Provides counselling for children at a small number of schools in the Hastings and St Leonards area Tel (01424) 728520.

Oasis Community Project - East Hastings

Centre offering advice, support and educational courses. Health and family support services also available. Contact Jackie Gaunt, Broomgrove Community Centre, 85 Chiltern Drive, TN34 3PY. 01424 427582.

Hastings Pensioners Association

Pressure group meet every second Wednesday in the month at 2pm 'Pop In', 6 Bank Buildings, Hastings. Membership £2 per year - outings/holidays.

Hastings Furniture Service

(Registered charity No 1003257). Needs re-usable clean household furniture and electrical items for people in need. Dorset Place, Hastings. Tel (01424) 441112. Hastings and Rother district only.

Social Services

Pine Hill Training Centre, 185 The Ridge, Hastings, TN34 2AE. Social Services Information Line for queries on services and social care issues call local rate number 0845 60 10 664 Fieldwork Teams (Children and Families) St Leonards/Hastings Ocean House, St Leonards, (01424) 723100.


26 St Andrew's Square, Hastings, TN34 1SR (01424) 436666. Emergency telephone staffed 24 hours. Centre open each day 9.30 am to 9.30 pm. National number 0345 90 90 90.

Chapel Park Community Centre

Community centre open to all in the heart of St Leonards. Offers computer training, free internet access, 'not for profit' community cafe, Hastings Ethnicity Minority Advice Service and volunteering opportunites. Please call Ann or Gary for more information 01424 714095.
email - website

Southwater Area Residents Association - SARA

(successor to Southwater Renewal Area Residents' Association). Hon.Sec. (2004) Mr James Westacott tel/fax: 716368.

Home-Start Hastings and Rother

66 London Road, St Leonards, TN37 6AF (01424) 443636. A home visiting scheme offering support to those with children under five.

Parents Helpline

Brighton (01273) 550600. 24-hr listening telephone line by parents for parents under stress. Anything to do with children from babies to teenagers. Confidential and anonymous.


More than Marriage Guidance, 5 Warrior Square, St Leonards, tel (01323) 410001 for appointment. Confidential counselling service for difficulties in marriage or in other personal relationships.

Brighton Rape Crisis

PO Box 323, Brighton BN2 2TY (01273) 203773 (24-hr Ansaphone). Open Mon 6-9pm and Fri 6-9pm. Or for immediate help ring London Rape Crisis on 020 7 837 1600. Confidential service, answered by women, telephone counselling and advice service.

Xpress Advocacy Service

42 Robertson Street, Hastings, TN34 1HL, Tel (01424) 440118. Helpline 0800 454424. Contact Jill Miles. Hastings Befrienders P O Box 6, St Leonards, (01424) 444777 Wednesday 7-9pm.


For relatives and friends of alcoholics - 020 7 403 0888. Alcoholics Anonymous (01622) 751842.

Hastings Drug Dependency Unit

9a Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings, TN34 1LY (01424) 720088. Advice for drug users, their families etc. Assessment - medicals; counselling, prescribing where applicable. Community Detox; in-patient Detox.

Manor Housing Association

Collington House, Collington Rise, Bexhill, TN39 3RT, contact Mrs K.E. Nobbs, (01424) 845019.

Xtrax Young People's Centre

16/24 yrs, Provincial House, Provincial Yard, Havelock Road, Hastings, TN34 1BP - Terry Drinkwater (Project Manager). (01424) 722524.

Sussex Alcohol Advice Service

(01323) 416305. Confidential one-to-one counselling service for those concerned about their own drinking problem or that of someone close to them.

Talking Books

For information ring (01273) 481170 or apply at public library.

Trinity Project

6 Trinity Street, Hastings (01424) 426375. Trained counsellors with advice on everything from alcohol to heroin. Home visits to rural areas. Free condoms and syringes.

Gamblers Anonymous HQ

Phone 020 7 384 3040


0800 00 22 00 - For help to stop smoking.

Post Office Counters Ltd

Helpline For all enquiries relating to Post Office transactions 0345 223344.

Post Codes

To obtain a post code call 0345 111 222. British Telecom, Telephone House, Rheims Way, Canterbury, CT1 3BA. (01227) 474000 Mon to Fri 8.30am to 5pm.

Seeboard plc

Customer Service 0800 056 888, Power failure 0800 783 8866.

British Gas Energy Centres Ltd

Billing: 0845 609 11 22. Gas Escapes - All areas Bexhill, Hastings and St Leonards, Rye, Winchelsea Any local area 0800 111 999. Gas Accounts 0645 555800 Mon-Thurs 8.45am to 5pm. Friday to 4.45pm.

Childline, 0800 1111

Help for children and young people suffering any kind of abuse.

Hastings and Rother Counselling Service

Contact Rose Wesbter (01424) 428300, self referral adults, personal family relationship issues, Ground Floor Flat, 73 London Road, St Leonards-on-Sea TN37 6AR.

Meningitis 24 Hour Helpline

01454 413344. Be Aware, Be Alert and Act - get medical help.

Migraine Support Group

Informal meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month. Please contact June Gavin on 01424 714285, or Lesley Drew on 01424 216991.

Hastings and Rother Citizens' Advice Bureau

The Advice and Community Hub, Renaissance House, London Road, St. Leonard's on Sea TN37 6AN. Free confidential and impartial service. Help to resolve neighbourhood disputes. Office staffed part-time, answerphone at other times.

Family Matters

128a Battle Road, St Leonards, TN37 7AN, contact Rev'd K. Baird, (01424) 851500 or Peter Stevens (01424) 851502. A local service supporting Parents and Families of Adolescent children in times of difficulties.

Hastings and St Leonards Credit Union Ltd

41e Earl Street, Hastings TN34 1SG, contact Sam Burt (01424) 203651. A community mutual savings and loans organisation, providing secure savings and low interest loans.

Employment Services Direct

0845 60 60 234 To find a job, accessing huge database.

Hastings & Rother Counselling Service

For personal, family and relationship problems. 48 Cambridge Gardens, Hastings TN34 1EN (01424) 428300.

Hastings Lifeline

1066 Housing Association, P.O. Box 1066, Hastings, TN34 1WY (01424) 781234. 24-hour community alarm service for the elderly, disabled and vulnerable.

Association of Carers

Theaklen Drive, off Ponswood Industrial Estate, St Leonards-on-Sea TN38 9AZ, (01424) 722309. Voluntary relief sitting service for carers in their own home.

NCH Action for Children

211 Elphinstone Road, Hastings TN34 2AX, (01424) 440840. Nursery unit and support for under-fives and their families. Referrals through social services and health visitors.

Priory Playlink Family Drop-In

St Clements Hall, Priory Road, Hastings, TN34 3JE, (01424) 718511, contact Trish Drinkwater.

Supportive Learning - HCAT

6 St Saviour's Road, St Leonards, contact Judith Guest (01424) 720978

Direct Debt Line

For advice and information contact: 5b St Mary's Walk, Hailsham, E. Sussex. Tel. 0345 626804.

WRVS - Women's Royal Voluntary Service

Enquiries Isabel Blackman Club, South Street, St Leonards, Contact Sue Adey - Centre Development Manager (01424) 426090.

Together - Community Bridge Builder Support

Provide a support service for adults (18 - 65) who live in Hastings/St Leonard's with mental health problems or are experiencing isolation. Supporting individuals back into ordinary community activities (Art, Volunteering, Exersise, Social Activities, Learning Opportunities, Employment, Physical Health and General Wellbeing). Southwater Area Community Centre, 1 Stainsby Street, St Leonards on Sea, TN37 6LA - 01424 717430.

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