Buddies Autistic Spectrum Support
Supporting autistic children from first diagnosis through to late teens. We can offer help with communication and behaviour skills also with social skills. We can also offer non residential respite care. Contact Darren Crozier on 01435 866897 / 07921 377204.
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Hastings Furniture Service
Provide quality, low price furniture and electrical goods for people on low incomes, also able to provide house clearances. Tel: 01424 441112.
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Charity for Kids
Charity for Kids aim is to help Sick, Disabled & Terminally-Ill children (Up to the age of 16) in & around Hastings, East Sussex. At Charity for Kids we do not pay wages! All funds raised goes back in to the community! Please contact Paul Harris on 07794 435835.
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Charities Action Research
Mrs Ann Dowling, sec, 13 Claxton Road, Bexhill-on-Sea TN40 2PP, (01424) 217449. Registered national charity funding research into the crippling diseases of childhood.
Cancer Research Campaign
Our local shop always needs volunteers and goods to raise funds for research into cancer. Contact Rod Bailey (01424) 732375.
Charity Market
Supporting local charity groups. First Saturday of the month 10am to 12 noon, Unitarian Church, South Terrace, Hastings. Contact Miss M. Burbage, (01424) 812094.
Contact the Elderly
Contact the Elderly reaches out to people over the age of 75 who live alone with few family or social contacts. Once a month on a Sunday afternoon the Hastings group, accompanied by their volunteer drivers, meet in a volunteer host's home to enjoy tea and companionship.
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Get Kids Going!
Turning dreams into reality - wheelchair provision for sport and leisure use for diabled children, contact Jane Emmerson 020 7481 8110.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Hastings & St Leonards Branch Sec Lionel Parr (01424) 752935. Bexhill and Little Common Branch Sec: Cynthia Edwards (01424) 211707.
Hastings & Rother Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme Ltd
contact Mrs Jan Cackett, Co-ordinator, 135 Hughenden Road, Hastings, TN34 3TF (01424) 444964.
Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Elizabeth (01424) 844992.
British Diabetic Association
Hastings and District Branch, Mr Fred Vagg, 39 Scutes Close, Hastings, (01424) 433775.
British Heart Foundation
Contact: Suzanna McGregor (01424) 442241 .
Bexhill Diabetic Group
Rear of 11/13 Wilton Road, Bexhill, TN40 1HYl (01424) 730486.
Friends of Bexhill and Rother CAB
Clive Loader, 10 Broadoak Lane, Bexhill, TN39 4HE, (01424) 218165.
Friends of St Mary's "Wrestwood"
Mrs. Earl, St Mary's School, Wrestwood Road, Bexhill. Tel. (01424) 211543. Raising funds for this special needs school, talks tiven to organisations on work of the school.
Greensleeves Home Trust
Grosvenor House, 11-14 Grosvenor Gardens, St Leonards, TN39 0HE, Janet Fox, (01424) 423831. Our aim is to offer high quality care with privacy and a warm, friendly atmosphere.
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association
Bexhill, Hastings and Rother Branch. Mrs B Grice, Branch Chairman, 01424 220699.
Hastings Area Children's Book Group
c/o 3 Edmonton Road, Bexhill, TN39 4BJ, (01424) 224810. National and local newsletters. Carousel magazine. Book related events throughout the year.
Hastings Community Housing Association
15 Wellington Place, Hastings, TN34 1NY, (01424) 445354. Shared housing for young people also affordable flats/houses with no deposit, from waiting list.
Hastings & Rother Voluntary Association for the Blind
383 Battle Road, St Leonards, TN37 7BE, Contact Mrs Fieona Farrier-Twist, (01424) 853711. Supporting local blind and partially sighted people.
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Hastings & Rother Diabetes Support Group
We provide support and information to anyone with diabetes in the Hastings and Rother area. Meetings are held every six weeks at venues to be announced. Phone Bill Lindsay on 07847 028337 for details.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Local self help group, contact Ron Bridle, 23 Yvonne Robertson House, Hastings Road, Bexhill, TN40 2HQ, (01424) 219295, offering help for people with IBS by exchange of experiences and treatments tried.
Hastings Old Town Community Association
113 All Saints Street, Hastings, TN34 3bg, (01424) 714643. Seeking to estbalisha and run a community arts centre at the Ice House works.
Link Hands
Support for parents of disabled children. Contact 135 Hughenden Road, Hastings. (No personal callers).
Hastings Lions Club CIO
Secretary, Brett McLean. Telephone 07838 241222.
Hastings & St Leonards Lifeboat Society
Raising funds for the RNLI, various events. Contact Mrs. June Potts, 2 Marlow Drive, St Leonards, TN37 7JF, (01424) 751177.
Hastings Lifeboat Station, Visitor Centre
The Stade, Old Town, Hastings, TN34 3AR, Contact Shirley Hawley, (01424) 425502. Schools, clubs, groups or organisations can enjoy a video presentation, talk and boathouse tour.
Home-Start Hastings & Rother
Offers friendship and support to local families with children under five years. 66 London Road, St Leonards on Sea TN37 6AS. Tel: 01424 443636. Charity reg no 1107920.
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M.S. - Hastings Branch
Mrs. Stewart, 4 Highland Gardens, St Leonards, TN38 0HT/Mrs. R.M. Stannard, 714445. Support and advice for people with Multiple Sclerosis and carers.
The Oliver Curd Trust
The Oliver Curd Trust provides fully equipped, short breaks to children with a life threatening or life limiting illness at one of our two retreats in East Sussex. One is based at Combe Haven, St Leonards and the other at Crowhurst Park. Contact Sarah Curd on 01797 230329.
Kathleen Boakes, 43/46 Queens Road, Hastings, TN34 1RE, (01424) 425537. Helps world disasters and disabled people in this country. Reasonably priced clothing.
Parkinson's UK
Bexhill & Hastings Branch meets third Friday in the month at Grosvenor Park, Brookfield Road, Bexhill on Sea, 2-4pm, Mr. E. Morley (01424) 712831.
The Psoriasis Association - Hastings and District Branch
A self help group interested in the none-infectious, non-contagious, skin condition Psoriasis. Contact Mr. K. Hadler (01424) 422427.
S.A.F.E. - St Augustine's Foundation for Excellence
25 Upper Maze Hill, St Leonards, TN38 0LB, Contact Mrs. B.M. Snow, (Sec), (01424) 812674. To support the charitable works of St Augustine's by funding two Respite Care Beds.
The Sara Lee Trust
Provides care and support to local people. Therapy rooms at St Michael’s Hospice and the Rye Memorial Hospital, including providing ward support to patients of both hospitals. Provide complementary therapies, counselling and creative therapies. The Trust operates 4 charity shops locally which provide an essential funding contribution for our services. Contact Dan Redsull or Maria Gonet 01424 456 608.
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Save the Children Fund
International charity working in UK and abroad for the benefit of children. Bexhill and District Branch, Mrs Joan Harding, 86 Cranston Avenue, Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 3NL, (01424) 213566. Hastings & St Leonards Branch, Mrs Edna Delves, 42 Park Avenue, Hastings, TN34 2PN (01424) 445586.
Seaview Projects
John Evans, Southwater Centre, Hatherley Road, St Leonards, TN37 6LB, (01424) 717981. Open to 16 +: Drop-In Centre, Housing Support, Primary Health Care, Mon-Fri 10am to 4pm.
Hastings Sheltered Workshop
Britannia Enterprise Centre, Waterworks Road, Hastings, TN34 1RT, contact Peter Howard, (01424) 718060. Providing training for people suffering mental health and other stress related problems.
Hastings Shopmobility
Priory Meadow, Queens Road, Hastings, Tn34 1PJ, Contact Ms. Jo Priddle, (01424) 447847. Hire of mobility equipment to anyone needing help to get around Hastings Town Centre.
S.S.A.F.A. Help The Sodiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association
Forces help to look after the welfare of service and ex-service people and their families. Contact W.J.A. Gray (01424) 443352.
Soroptimist International
Jill Green (Press Officer) (01424) 432381.
St Michael's Hospice
Highest standards of palliative care for people in Hastings and Rother and effective support for their families and carers. St Michaels Hospice, 25 Upper Maze Hill, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 0LB, 01424 717968
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Sussex Deaf Association
Supporting deaf, deafblind, deafened and hard of hearing people across East Sussex. Contact Tracy Gasson, Advocacy Support Worker on 01424 421987 (voice/fax/text-phone) or 07958 655119 (SMS and mobile) for all support services to deaf / deafened / deafblind / hard of hearing people in East Sussex.
Tree of Hope Children's Charity
Funding specialist medical treatment for sick Sussex children which would not otherwise be available to them. Volunteers always needed. Contact Corinne Gardner, 31 De La Warr Road, Bexhill TN40 2JA, (01424) 224656.
Two Towers
Trust to raise funds for repair, restoration and preservation of churches of St Clement and All Saints in the Parish of the Old Town, Hastings. Appeal Co-Ordinator, Two Towers Trust, The Rectory, 106 High Street, Hastings, TN34 3ES, Tel (01424) 422242 (Parish office).
University of the Third Age (U3A)
Self-help education group for over 50s, wide variety of subjects. Contact Mrs N. Tree (01424) 718792.
Women's Royal Voluntary Club (WRVS)
Isabel Blackman Club, South Street, St Leonards-on-Sea, Contact Sue Adey - Centre Development Manager (01424) 426090.
World Development Movement
Hastings and Rother, Helen Donson, (01424) 734640. Campaigns on behalf of Third World. Aims to raise awareness, and change policy about Third World issues.
Hastings Youth Trust
Contact T.S. Novis, 3 Wishing Tree Road North, St Leonards.
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