Clubs & Societies
1066 Business Club
for all businesses in 1066 area. Contact Sue Spice (sec) (01424) 842892.
1066 Lacemakers
Holy Redeemer Church Hall, Sedlescombe Road North, contact M. Price 07760 366469. A friendly group of lacemakers meets first Saturday each month, mixed abilities. New members welcome.
1066 Probus Club
meets Beauport Park Hotel, Hastings, contact Colin Daniels (01424) 420094.
BLESMA - British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association
Hastings and East Kent, Mr R Humphryes (01424) 752744, Roundel Club, 26 Wellington Square, Hastings, TN34 1PN.
Bobbins and Threads
All crafts connected with threads, St Matthew's Church Hall, Silverhill, St Leonards, Maureen (01424) 712481.
British Korean Veterans' Association
Hastings & District, contact Hon.Sec. A.W. Preston, 64A Coach House, St Helen's Park Road, Hastings. (01424) 421644.
British Red Cross
Newgate Hall, Newgate Road, St Leonards, TN37 6SB. Hall for hire for various activities. Volunteers needed for first aid group, youth and junior club, tansport and escort duties and to man medical loan centre (mornings only). Contact Mrs Bettley (01424) 851558.
Cinque Port Radio and Internet Social Club
c/o 99 Marina, St Leonards, TN38 0BP. Contact Mr D. Patfield, (01424) 429550.
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Civil Service Retirement Fellowship
South East Sussex Branch, Mrs J. Smith, Bexhill, (01424) 731062.
Clive Richardson Tours
Clive Richardson, 19 Tollgates, Battle, East Sussex TN33 0JA. Tel 01424 775534.
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Crowhurst and District Horticultural Society
A small friendly society founded in 1972. We hold 3 x Flower shows a year and talks/lectures with a Festive Cheese and Wine Quiz in December. Membership £5 per year. All Welcome! Contact Alan 07870 525441.
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East Sussex Astronomical Society
Meet at Egerton Park Indoor Bowls Club, Egerton Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN39 3HL. 8pm on the first Thursday of each month.
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East Sussex Arts Club
contact Mrs P. Burgess, (01424) 843116.
Falaise Sequence Dance Club
Arthur Easton Centre, St Michael's Hospice, meet Tuesdays 7.30pm, contact June Smith (01424) 713382.
Regular visits to supposed haunted sites. Advice available, Kevin Carlyon, 22b Dane Road, St Leonards, TN38 0QW. (01424) 485392.
Hastings Athletic Club
Sec: Mrs Anne Wilson, (01424) 212435.
Hastings and District Anglo-French Club
Meetings start at 2.15pm at the Holy Redeemer Church Hall, Upper Church Road, St Leonards. For further information please ring 01424 427740.
Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group
HQ Priory Road Teachers' Centre, Hastings, contact Mr. M. Greenhalgh (Treasurer/Field Officer) (01424) 720446/Mr. D. Padgham (Chairman) (01424) 443752.
Hastings Borough Bonfire Society
Mr. Keith Leech, (01424) 716576, email Bonfire celebrations in October. Donations to local charities. Assist at other local events.
Hastings Business Luncheon Club
Co-ordinator Kevin Standish (01424) 442222. Meetings usually third Wednesday of the month at Beauport Park Hotel, St Leonards 12.30 pm. Anyone interested contact Kevin Standish.
Hastings & St Leonards Wargames Society
Games for all eras, Ancient to WW2, plus Naval, Fantasy and Fantasy Naval. Meet weekly (usually Tuesdays) and participate in 3 to 4 shows a year. Contact Graham Cross on (01424) 438605 (evenings).
Hastings & St Leonards Chess Club
Open every day. All ages, visitors welcome, 2 Cornwallis Terrace, Hastings. Contact Paul Buswell, 01424 444321.
Hastings Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Fernando Bauza, 112 Milward Road, Hastings TN34 3RT, (01424) 437820 meets first Monday on the month.
Hastings Community Circus
meets St John's Church Hall, Brittany Road, Hastings, contact Caron (01424) 445221.
Hastings Dating
Online club for meeting new people in the Hastings area. Sign up on the website for more information.
Hastings Dyslexia Support Group
Ducklings, 5 Sandhurst Gardens Hastings TN34 2SW. Mary Potterton, Sec: 752531. For specialist advice call Diane Pearson (01424) 211897.
Hastings Electronics and Radio Club
Most Monthly meetings held on a Wednesday. For details contact Gordon on 01424 431909.
Hastings Esperanto Group
84 Mount Road, Hastings, TN35 5LA; Sally Phillips (01424) 460556.
Hastings Exhibitions
The Bourne, Old Town, Hastings, TN34 3AY, Admin: Tony Smith, (01424) 424848. Income goes entirely to the Brown Bread Horse Rescue Centre.
Hastings Fishermen's Protection Society
The Fishmarket, Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings, Steve Peak/Paul Joy (01424) 722322. Fax 722322.
Hastings and District Geological Society
Ken Brooks, 50 Alfred Road, Hastings, (01424) 426459. Adults meet Priory Centre every 4th Sunday at 2.30pm. Junior Section meet every four weeks on Saturday 2pm - details (01424) 426459. Activities include fossil hunting field trips, making dinosaur models etc.
Hastings & District Model Flying Club
Contact Mr White (01424) 224503.
Hastings Old Town Carnival Association
Sec: Mrs Muggridge, (01424) 431472.
Hastings-Bethune Twinning Association
Secretary: Vivienne Bond.
Hastings-Dordrecht Sports Exchange
Chairman: Colin Hyland (01424) 438786
Hastings-Dordrecht Friendship Association
Twinning Officer, Mr Robin Gray, (01424) 781130.
Hastings Needlecraft Group
Meets on the 4th Thursday of every month except for August, at 7.30 at the Taplin Centre, Upper Maze Hill. Contact Pat Wright 01424 439563 for details.
Chairman: Nigel Barry (01424) 852200.
Hastings-Schwerte Friendship Association
Chairman: Reg Wood (01424) 447173.
Hastings and East Sussex Philatelic Society
Membership sec (01424) 427016. Public relations officer (01424) 423151.
Hastings & Rother Family Friends
c/o Glyne Gap School, Hastings Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 2PU, (01424) 210231, contact Jean Scotcher. Helping to share the care of a special child.
Good Companions Social Club
for over 55s, 33 Martyns Way, Bexhill, TN40 2SE, Mrs. Percival (01424) 216319.
Hastings and Rother Family History Society
Sec. Miss C. Hayward, (01424) 422139.
Hastings and Rother Junior Chamber
Adrian Rogerson (president). For business and professional men and women 18 to 40 years. Meetings held at The Cinque Ports Hotel, Bohemia Road, Hastings.
Hastings and Rother T.U.C.
Nigel Bolton, 18 Pinewood Way, St Leonards TN38 9RR, (01424) 850677.
Hastings and St Leonards Lifeboat Society
Mrs. June Potts, 2 Marlow Drive, St Leonards, TN37 7JF (01424) 751177.
Jutsu Kai Karate Factory
409 Battle Road, St Leonards. Contact Jane Dash (01424) 712420.
Hastings Lions Club CIO
Secretary, Brett McLean. Telephone 07838 241222.
Hastings MG Club
Meet at the Netherfield Arms, Netherfield. Every third Thursday of the month at 8pm. Contact Nigel Melbert (secretary).
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Hastings and East Sussex Natural History Society
Andrew Warrington (Hon Sec). Tel: 01424 814417.
Hastings Motorcycle Action Group
Mr D. Sykes, (01424) 812047. Part of national group formed to fight unjust legislation against motorcycle riders, and meets socially alternate Wednesdays at The Carlisle, at 8.30pm.
Hastings and St Leonards Rotaract Club
Meetings first and third Tuesday each month, at Cinque Ports Hotel, Bohemia, Hastings. For young people 18-30 who enjoy fundraising, community work, sports and social events.
Hastings Senior Men's Forum
Meetings every Tuesday 2pm to 4pm at St Matthews Church Hall, Silverhill. October to April, slideshows, talks etc. Contact Rodney Stapley, (01424) 421769.
Hastings Shipwreck Heritage Association
Shipwreck Heritage Centre, Rock-a-Nore, Hastings, TN34 3EW. Charitable organisation protecting nautical heritage and supporting education and conservation.
Hastings Tramways Club
Our club aims to restore two surviving 1905 Hastings tramcars, currently stored at Staplecross Shrub Centre. We're keen to hear from those interested in trams or anyone willing to volunteer skills or time to help restore them. Contact Roy on 01424 751798.
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Hastings Trolleybus Restoration Group
104 Milward Road, Hastings, contact Pete Lyons, (01424) 444390.
Hastings Trust and Resource Centre
35 Robertson Street, Hastings, TN34 1HT, Fax No (01424) 434206. Christine Goldschmidt, Director, (01424) 446373/440909.
Hastings and Bexhill Welsh Society
Mrs Atherden, (01424) 441208.
Here and Now
Free local environmental magazine, quarterly issue. Various local outlets or postal delivery with subscription. Contact Kevin Carias (01424) 715496.
Hollington Community Centre
Mr. P. Shoesmith, 329 Battle Road, St Leonards, (01424) 852911/ 852165. Short mat bowls, table tennis, play school, bar, judo, archery. Thursday afternoons Senior citizens.
Roadrunners Motorcycle Club
(formerly Honda Owners Club), contact Steve Baker, 169 Ashburnham Road, Hastings, TN35 5LL, (01424) 713035.
Ironlatch Ladies' Club
Mrs. Joan Davies, (01424) 423601.
The League of Friends of the Conquest Hospital
Mr. Ken Clarke (01424) 772471.
Meeting Point Arts and Crafts Group
Unitarian Church, South Terrace, Hastings, contact Miss M. Burbage (01424) 812094. Social afternoon for Arts and Crafts meets fourth Tuesday of each month.
Men of Kent and Kentish Men
East Sussex branch, Mr P. Sheldrake, 291 St Helen's Road, Hastings, TN34 2NB (01424) 424007.
Monday Club OAP Club
contact 2 Barley Avenue, Hastings, TN35 5HS; D.H. Ellis (01424) 435649.
NARPO - National Association Retired Police Officers
Quarterly meetings at Hastings Police Station, social activities, outings, shows etc.
Open University Student Association
Hastings and St Leonards, contact Sec. Beryl Lovatt (01424) 444176, support and social evenings for OU students.
Ore Flower Club
Christ Church Hall, Old London Road, Ore, Hastings, contact Chairperson (01424) 813680 meets first Tuesday of month.
Ore Community Association
Mrs R. Waddell, 455 Old London Road, Hastings, TN35 5BH, (01424) 432719. Weekly activities, e.g. yoga, Darby and Joan, Dog Handling and many more - ring for details.
Parachute Regimental Association
Royal Air Force Association Club, Wellington Square, meets 2nd Monday each month at 7.30pm.
Past Rotarians Club of Hastings and Rother
Dr. David Dewhurst, sec. (01797) 226336. Meet first Tuesday each month at Beauport Park Country Hotel, St Leonards, 10.30 am to noon.
Past Rotarians Club
Geoff Brooks, Cherry Garth, Westaway Drive, Bexhill (01424) 214345.
New Riviera Group
Visual Arts Group benefiting Hastings Artists and the community with continuous exhibitions at 40 Marina, Colonnade, St Leonards. Contact John Allaway (01424) 712349.
Road Runners Motorcycle Club
meets The Smugglers, Pevensey, first Wednesday of the month 8pm. Contact Steve Baker (01424) 713035.
Rotary Club of Senlac
Meet weekly in Cooden Beach Hotel. Raising funding to give to charities and individuals. Big events including Bodium Classic Car Show and Jazz Picnic. Young Chef Competition and Youth leadership courses. Contact Peter Cocker.
Rotary Club of St Leonards-on-Sea
Local business and professional people promoting humanitarian service and supporting local charities.
Rotary Club of Hastings
Mr. M. Stewart, (01424) 716544.
R.A.S.C. / R.C.T.
Association Royal Air Force Association Club
Wellington Square, Hastings. Meet last Monday every month except Bank holidays (then held week before), at 7.30pm. Vice Chairman: George Gray, Sec: S. Gray, (01424) 436437.
RAF Association
Hastings and St Leonards Mr. R. Humphryes, (01424) 430250, Roundel Club, 26 Wellington Square, Hastings TN34 1PN.
Royal Air Forces Association
C. Dixon, Sec, (01424) 220069, Branch HQ The Albatross Club, 15 Marina Arcade, Bexhill-on-Sea TN40 1JS. Club (01424) 212916, office 220114. Ex-Service members' club.
Royal Artillery Association
Bexhill Branch meets 11am first Thursday in the month at Royal British Legion, London Road, Bexhill. Sec. L.A.W. Rashbrook (01424) 843433.
Royal Artillery Association
Hastings & St Leonards Branch meet 2nd Tuesday in month. RAFA Club, Wellington Square, Hastings. Sec W. Balderstone (01424) 445682.
The Royal British Legion
Hastings and St Leonards Branch Mr Ben Smith, chairman, (01424) 420092.
Royal National Lifeboat Institution
Mr. W.H. Hampshire (01424) 214515.
Hastings & St Leonards RSPB Members' Group
contact R.M. Adams (01424) 439699.
The Shipwreck Heritage Association
Rock-a-Nore Road, Hastings, TN34 3DW, Robert Page, 24 Martineau Lane, Hastings, TN35 5DS (01424) 813327.
Soroptimist International
Mrs. Jill Green (01424) 432381.
St John Ambulance Fellowship
for retired and ex members. For further information contact Mr Watson, 143 Turkey Road, Bexhill, (01424) 218685.
The Salvation Army Over Sixty Friendship Club
Oxford Road, Scout Hut, Hollington, Tuesday 2-3pm, contact Captain Paul Wilson (01424) 426894.
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St Rapahel Club for the Physically Disabled
Acharity club for disabled. Meets Wednesdays, also outings. Helpers urgently needed. Contact Mrs. A. Dickerson (01424) 852664.
Strange Phenomena Investigations
Are you interested in ghosts, poltergeists, UFOs, and other aspects of strange phenomena? Public lectures and meetings to be held in Hastings during 2008. Contact Malcolm on 07949 178835, or write to SPI, Flat 5, Unicorn House, Croft Road, Hastings, East Sussex, TN34 3HE.
Transcendental Meditation
Lee Moor, (T.M. teacher, Sec) 3 Dell Close, St Leonards, TN38 0YS, (01424) 437618. A very easy effective relaxation technique.
West Hill Community Centre
Mrs Geering, Croft Road, Hastings. (01424) 431616. Bingo, clubs, hall.
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