Hastings Borough Council
Report a fault online
This online service allows you to make your local council aware of the following faults:
Abandoned Vehicle, Beach Polution, Dead Animal, Dog Bins, Fly Tipping, Graffiti, Illuminated Signs, Litter Bin, Missed Refuse Collection, Non-illuminated Signs, Pavement, Recycling Centre, Road, Street Cleaning, Street Lighting, Street Name Plates, Traffic Signal, Verge.
Simply locate the problem on the map, enter the details and it will be sent to the council on your behalf..
Click here to report a fault to Hastings CouncilA-Z Index
Abandoned Vehicles
Report abandoned vehicles via Sussex Police
Telephone: 01243 642222
Advertisement Control
Most outdoor advertisements require permission or advertisement consent. If an advertisement is erected without permission enforcement action may be taken.
Telephone: 01424 451090
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Hastings Borough Council manages 600 allotment plots spread over 30 acres on twelve sites.
Telephone: 01424 451049
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Matters relating to tree care including advice, inspection and preservation orders.
Telephone: 01424 451147 – 451049
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Beach and Foreshore
Hastings Borough Council maintains the beach and foreshore and is committed to protecting this natural environment for wildlife, residents and visitors.
Telephone: 01424 451049
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Housing Benefit is a national scheme to help people pay their rent.
Council Tax Reduction is local scheme to help people pay their Council Tax.
Telephone 01424 451081
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Building Control
Building Control is the inspection of building work to check for compliance with building regulations. The service is provided by the East Sussex Building Control Partnership based at Wealden District Council.
Building Control also deals with demolition of buildings and dangerous structures.
Telephone: 01892 602005
Location: Building Control, Wealden District Council, Council Offices, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX
Cemetery and Crematorium
Burial and cremation within the town.
Telephone: 01424 451057
Location: The Ridge, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 2AE
Cliff Railways
The council operates funicular cliff railways on the East and West Cliffs above Hastings Old Town.
Telephone: 01424 451049
Coastal Protection
Hastings has approximately 12km of coastline and has powers under the Coast Protection Act 1949 to carry out works to protect the coast from erosion.
Telephone: 01424 451049
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Committee Administration
Provides administration facilities and support for the elected representatives.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Public Relations.
Maintenance of the Council's corporate style.
Media protocols.
Telephone: 01424 451429
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Community Safety
Hastings Borough Council is one of seven statutory partners in the Safer Hastings Partnership. Current priorities include violence crime, hate crime, domestic violence and anti social behaviour.
Issues like noise nuisance, dog fouling and fly tipping can be reported to the council.
Telephone: 01424 451079 (Noise nuisance)
Freephone: 0800 555 111 (Crimestoppers)
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Concessionary Bus Fares
Telephone: 0300 3309471
Conservation and Design
All new developments in building and landscape design services should meet all the relevant practical design considerations, respect their surroundings and not damage the environment.
Postal enquiries should be addressed to Muriel Matters House.
Telephone: 01424 451090
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Constitution of the Council
The Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by the law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
The Council undertakes a range of consultations to ensure that where appropriate, local residents can help shape services that the Council provides on their behalf.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Customer Care and Complaints
Contact us if you think the Council has not done something it should have, done something wrong, taken too long to do something, been unfair or acted inappropriately.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Dangerous Structures
The dangerous structures service is provided by the East Sussex Building Control Partnership based at Wealden District Council.
Building Control also deals with demolition of buildings and dangerous structures.
Telephone: 01892 602005
Location: Building Control, Wealden District Council, Council Offices, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX
Data Protection
The handling of Subject Access Requests under data protection legislation.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Development Control
Development Control is the process of determining planning applications submitted by individuals and commercial developers.
Telephone: 01424 451090
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Electoral Services
Electoral Services is responsible for managing elections and referendums on behalf of the Returning Officer, as well as electoral registration, including undertaking an annual canvass of all households in the borough, and publishing the full and edited versions of the electoral register each year
Telephone: 01424 451087
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Environmental Protection
Enforcement of excessive noise, air pollution including bonfires and environmental pollution, contaminated land, and defective drainage other than those enforced by Southern Water.
Telephone: 01424 451079
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Estates Management
Responsibility for council owned land and premises.
Council property offered for commercial use.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Financial Management
Management of the Council's accounts, cash collection, financial asset management, banking and insurance.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Food Hygiene and Safety
The Council will investigate complaints about food sold within the Borough to protect public health and ensure that food and food packaging meets the relevant legal standards.
Telephone: 01424 451078
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Forward Plan of Key Decisions
The Council is required to publish a Forward Plan of all key Cabinet decisions to be taken in the following four months.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Fraud Investigation
Hastings Borough Council is committed to the proper accountability of public funds and condemns fraud and corruption in public life. Any fraudulent or corrupt act may inflict great damage on the Council in terms of both finance and reputation.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Freedom of Information
The handling of requests for information under Freedom of Information legislation.
Responsibility for the council's Publication Scheme.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Grounds Maintenance
Hastings Borough Council manages all Council owned open space within the Borough. A range of improvements has been made to the way open space is now managed and sustainability is now a key priority.
Telephone: 01424 451049
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Houses in Multiple Occupation
The Council has powers to ensure that legal standards of management in respect of houses in multiple occupation are maintained to ensure the health and safety of those who live there.
Telephone: 01424 451100
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Housing - Public Health
This service ensures that comprehensive housing and public health advice is delivered to all residents and property owners in Hastings and St Leonards, as well as making sure public health and housing statutes are obeyed where appropriate.
Telephone: 01424 451100
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Housing Advice
The Housing Options service is available to everyone in Hastings and St Leonards with a housing problem. The service can give you advice to help you stay in your home and can help you with your housing options if you need or want to move
Telephone: 01424 451100
Telephone: 01424 451999 (For out of office hours emergencies)
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Housing Renewal
The role of Housing Renewal is to improve the town's housing with particular emphasis on privately rented homes, empty homes and concentrations of unfit properties.
Telephone: 01424 451100
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Hastings Borough Council General Enquiries
General enquiries to the Council.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Hastings Country Park
Hastings Country Park lies to the east of the town with over 267 hectares of ancient woodland, heathland and grassland together with 3 miles (5km) of dramatic cliffs and coastline. Most of the park has been designated a Special Area of Conservation, a Site of Special Scientific Interest and is a proposed Local Nature Reserve.
Telephone: 01424 451049)
Hastings Local Strategic Partnership
The Local Strategic Partnership is a partnership of public agencies, business, voluntary and community sectors working together for the benefit of local people.
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Health and Safety
All Employers with five or more employees are required by Law to provide a written document detailing the business's or organisation's general policy for health and safety and the organisation and arrangements for carrying out the policy.
Telephone: 01424 451078
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Responsibility for all licensing within the borough, including taxis and the implementation of the Licensing Act 2003.
Telephone: 01424 451042
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Local Land and Property Gazetteer
The aim of the Local Land and Property Gazetteer (LLPG) is to rationalise information across the authority so that any reference to a piece of land or property is the same or if different names exist, it can be established that it is the same place.
Telephone: 01424 451090
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Local Land Charges
A Local Land Charge Search should be carried out when a property or piece of land is being purchased, leased or valued to find out if there are any matters affecting the land.
Telephone: 01424 451090
Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Promotion of Hastings to visitors.
Filming liaison.
Telephone: 01424 451768 (Film liaison)
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Mayor's Office
Responsible for Mayoral engagements.
Email: mayorsoffice@hastings.gov.uk
Location: Hastings Town Hall, Queens Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 1QR
Meteorological Services
The Borough Meteorologist takes a twice daily record of weather parameters which are displayed in a kiosk on the seafront then subsequently transferred to the Met Office and Environment Agency each month.
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Museums and Art Gallery
The Hastings Museum and Art Gallery contains a rich mixture of displays relating to local themes and the culture of other lands.
Telephone: 01424 451052
Location: Hastings Museum and Art Gallery, Johns Place, Bohemia Road, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 1ET
Nature Conservation
Hastings Borough Council takes a pro-active approach to Nature Conservation and Ecology.
Hastings has a range of spectacular nature areas and wildlife. The Town has 7 Local Nature Reserves, 3 Sites of Special Scientific Interest, Hastings Country Park and is responsible for Farm Management within the Country Park.
Telephone: 01424 451150
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Neighbourhood Planning
The opportunity for local people to be directly involved in preparing a Local Plan for their area. Forms part of the wider Local Plan process.
Telephone: 01424 451098
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
On-street parking
East Sussex County Council deals with all aspects of on-street parking.
Telephone: 01273 335 500
Location: East Sussex County Council, County Hall, St Anne's Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex BN7 1UE
Parking Services
Dealing with all aspects of off-street parking. If you are issued with a penalty charge notice beginning with HS or CP you can pay your fine on the Hastings Borough Council website.
Telephone: 01424 451070
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Parks and Open Spaces
Maintaining a wide variety of open spaces and formal parks within the Borough.
Telephone: 01424 451049
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Personnel Services
Responsibility for all Personnel matters, including job opportunities, equalities and equal opportunities.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Pest Control
Hastings Borough Council offers a pest control service for the treatment of rats, mice, wasp nests, fleas, cock roaches and bed bugs.
Telephone: 01424 451079
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Planning Enforcement
Enforcement of planning matters.
Postal enquiries should be addressed to Muriel Matters House and personal callers should visit Hastings Information Centre.
Telephone: 01424 451090
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Planning Policy
Write the Local Plan and Policies for the control of development and allocation of land for specific purposes. Also involved with Community Right to Bid and Assets of Community Value.
Telephone: 01424 451098
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Policy and Performance
Supporting the development, co-ordination and implementation of corporate policy to ensure the Council fulfils its responsibilities.
All local authorities are required to produce an annual Corporate Plan setting out work plans for the forthcoming financial year so the public can judge how well it performs.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Hastings Borough Council is one of the biggest employers in East Sussex and spends about £23m every year on works, goods and services.
The authority is required to seek best value in its purchasing, procurement and contracting, but it also wants to use its purchasing power to pursue its environmental agenda, equal opportunities, and to support the growth of local firms.
Telephone: 01424 451066
Location: Muriel Matters Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Public Conveniences
Maintenance and cleaning of public conveniences.
Telephone: 01424 451077
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Ranger Service
The Ranger Services is responsible for wildlife conservation, and providing a safe and enjoyable environment for all in the parks and open spaces of Hastings.
Telephone: 01424 451049
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Refuse and Recycling
Refuse, Recycling and Bulky Waste collection.
The operation of 'bring' sites and recycling centres.
Waste reduction and recycling initiatives.
The Twin Bin Scheme.
The Garden Waste Recycling Scheme.
Telephone: 01424 451077
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Revenue Services
The collection of Council Tax (bills, payments and banding advice) and Business Rates.
The handling of payments against General Invoices.
Telephone: 01424 451081 (Council Tax and Business Rates bills and payments)
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Safer Hastings Partnership
Hastings Borough Council is one of six principal partners in the Safer Hastings Partnership which has focus groups tackling burglary, car crime, violent crime, drug and substance misuse, domestic violence and anti-social behaviour across the town.
Freephone: 0800 555 111 (Crimestoppers)
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Sports and Recreation
Our Summerfields and Falaise sport and leisure centres offer a wide range of facilities to residents and visitors.
There are also sports pitches and courts in our parks, gardens and recreation grounds which are available for booking. People with disabilities are advised to discuss their particular needs prior to booking.
The Active Hastings programme offers opportunities to help local people become more physically active, from walking to sports.
Telephone: 01424 451334 (Sports Bookings)
Telephone: 01424 451051 (Active Hastings)
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Stray Dogs
A service providing for collection and detention of stray dogs. This contracted-out service is provided by Animal Wardens Limited, on behalf of Hastings Borough Council.
Telephone: 01424 490034
Street Care and Cleaning
The Council is responsible for the sweeping of streets and removal of litter.
Telephone: 01424 451077
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Street Wardens
The Street Warden team investigate incidences of dog fouling, littering, fly posting, fly tipping, graffiti, dog attacks and dog control issues, dogs off leads, dog exclusions areas and dog control order queries.
Telephone: 01424 451077
Location: Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place, Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Travellers and Gypsies
The nearest official transit site to Hastings is at Southerham on the A27 near Lewes. There are no permanent sites for Travellers or Gypsies in Hastings.
Telephone: 01424 451049
Most of the services you list can be accessed online through the website. www.hastings.gov.uk