Leisure Clubs & Societies
1066 Tai Chi Chuan
Traditional Tai Chi classes on Tuesday eves in Ore, and Thursday morning in St Leonards. Friendly group open to all ages and all levels of fitness. Call 07961 949715.
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Bexhill Classic Car Association
Classic car and motorbike club - anything motorised that is pre 1970. We are a totally free group, who's interest is to raise the profile of the Irvin unit, Bexhill hospital. Contact Keith Robinson on 01424 846205. Meet at 6.30pm every 3rd Wednesday of the month in The Bull Inn, 530 Bexhill Road, St Leonards-on-Sea TN38 8AY.
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East Sussex Arts Club
founded 1890, meetings monthly with demonstrations and lectures, two exhibitions annually. Dorothy Williams (01424) 446783.
East Sussex Model Engineers (Hastings)
M.J. Hoad, sec, (01424) 429539. Monthly meeting third Friday, Norman Road Methodist Church Hall, St Leonards.
Hastings and St Leonards Chess Club
2 Cornwallis Terrace, Hastings, TN34 1EB, contact Paul Buswell, 01424 444321.
Hastings Community Circus
Contact Andy Dinsdale, (01424) 813144.
Hastings & Rother Decorative Fine Arts Society
meets 3rd Monday at Arthur Easton Centre, St Michael's Hospice, St Leronards (September to June). Contact (01424) 435629.
Hastings and East Sussex Philatelic Society
Membership sec, (01424) 427016, Public relations officer (01424) 423151, Junior collectors officer (01424) 423151.
Hastings Electronics and Radio Club
Club for Electronic hobbies/amateur radio. Transmitting Licence Examination preparation. Holds meetings most months on 4th Wednesday of the month except December, in the John Taplin Centre and Auctions on a Saturday at Holy Redeemer Church Hall.
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Hastings and Rother Family History Society
355 Bexhill Road, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38 8AJ Tel: 01424 437493, meets every second Wednesday in the month 7.30 pm at Ore Community Centre. Researching family history.
Hastings & St Leonards Country Dance Club
St Matthew's Church Centre, London Road, St Leonards-on-Sea, Tuesdays 7.45 to 10 pm. Mrs. Janice Bolton, (01424) 753684.
Hastings Juggling Club
For information contact Andy Dinsdale (01424) 813144.
Priory Machine Knitting Club
Priory Machine Knitting Club, contact Chairperson Sue Castro, meetings held every 1st Tuesday in the month at the Unitarian Church, South Terrace, Hastings, from 9.15-12.00. Demonstrations, visiting speakers, knitting trips, exhibits in Priory Meadow and the Annual Hobbies & Crafts Exhibition during Hastings Week.
Hastings and St Leonards Muffin Club
Contact: Mr R Barrat, The Muffin Club Services Member, Upland, 227a The Ridge, Hastings TN34 2EA. Meeting last Thursday in month Beauport Park Hotel, St Leonards.
Hastings Needlecraft Group
The Taplin Centre, 3 Upper Maze Hill, St Leonards, contact Mrs Pat Wright (01424) 439563.
Hastings Rambling Club
Contact Shirley Simmons on 01424 421146.
Hastings Rock and Fell Club
(walking and climbing), contact Richard Gasson, 52 Magdalen Road, Bexhill, (01424) 215478.
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Hastings Scottish Country Dance Club
Contact the Secretary, Mrs Dorothy Payne. Tel. (01424) 752249.
Hastings Old Town Parish Players
Theatre group, Nicky Harris, 49 High Street, Hastings, (01424) 443033.
Hastings Tramways Club
Mr Roy Austen, 31 Holmhurst Lane, St Leonards, (01424) 751798.
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Hastings Writers' Group
Jenni Kelvie, (01424) 212647. Mad Jack's Morris Dancers
contact Keith Leech, 01424 716576 - 62 Collier Road Hastings.
Maritime Volunteer Service
Cinque Ports Div., Bexhill Unit, Sec: David Malet, (01323) 524000 (day)/(01323) 766743 (eves). Meets Tuesdays 7.30 Cinque Ports TAVR Unit HQ, Bulverhythe, St Leonards. Maritime skills, 18 yrs and over.
Monday Art Club
A portrait class every Monday at 9.30 am with costume models and occasional Life models at St Peter's Community Centre, The Cotton Room, Old Town, Bexhill. New members always welcome. Contact Mrs. D. Mason (01424) 844788 for details.
New Riviera Group (of professional artists)
62 Manor Road, Hastings, TN34 3LJ, (01424) 712349.
OGRE - Ore Gamers Fantasy Role Playing Club
Steve Weaver, Ore Community Centre, Old London Road, Ore, (01424) 443205 (Community Centre).
Old Town Parish Players
Sec Jenny Connor, (01424) 437281.
Ore Flower Club
Mrs Sheila Putman, (01424) 437827. Meets first Tuesday of the month, 7.30 pm Christ Church Hall, Ore.
Ore and St Helen's Camera Club
Meet at Park Road Methodist Church Hall. Email for more details of dates and events. Mr Kelvin Godfrey tel: 01424 420545.
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Ore Modern Sequence Dance Club
The Manager, Ore Community Centre, 455 Old London Road, Hastings, (01424) 432719. Meets Thursday 1.30pm.
The Ramblers Association
Contact J Eason, Membership Secretary, on 01424 420570 or L Hayes, Secretary, on 01424 437775.
Regency Dance Club
Learn the dances of the era of Jane Austen: Cotillions, Quadrilles, Country Dances. No partner needed, no experience needed. A fun way to keep fit! We meet every Wednesday 7.30-9.30 at Bexhill British Legion Comrades Club, 4-6 London Road, Bexhill TN39 3JU. Tel Pauline 01424 539 905.
Sedlescombe and District Flower Club
Mrs S. Shanahan, 32 Baldslow Down, St Leonards, (01424) 753082. Meets second Weds in the month, 7.15 pm Sedlescombe Village Hall.
Senlac Bridge Club (Duplicate Bridge)
Sec. Mrs. J. Phillips, (01580) 860231. Meets each Thursday 7.15 pm St Mary's Church Hall, Battle.
Sidley Modern Sequence Dance Club
held at St Peter's Community Centre, every Wednesday 7.15 to 10pm. Professional leaders Ken and Doreen Typerleigh. Visitors are welcome, (Chairman) Ken Sturgeon (01424) 218613.
St Helen's Writing Group
Joy Oakley, 63 St Helen's Park Road, Hastings TN34 2JJ, (01424) 420140.
St Leonards Bridge Club
Bruce Carrison (01424) 441468. Meets at Horntye Sports Complex, Bohemia Road, Hastings.
Tai Chi Group
Tai Chi Classes every wednesday morning at 9am. Beginners welcome. Concordia Hall, Church Road St Leonards. Tai Chi - relaxation, health & fitness for the body and mind. Come along and see our friendly group.
The 1066 Spinners
self-help group (wool spinning and weaving), meets Unitarian Church, South Terrace, Hastings, Contact Miss M. Burbage (01424) 812094, meets second Saturday in month 10am to 1pm.
The Theatregoer's Club of Great Britain
The best way to see the shows, contact Mrs B. Spackman (01424) 216848.
Travaux Twirlers Square Dance Club
Square dancing to live caller every Friday except Bank Holidays. Baldslow Memorial Hall, Harrow Lane, St Leonards - 7.30 to 10pm. New members welcome. Contact (01424) 734627.
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